of the Moon
[15.3] (Size
The objective is to defend the Base on the lunar desert, destroying
the invaders who want to steal energy
. The energy left is shown at the right bar of the console.
When this energy exhausts
or reaches zero, the game ia over.
Click on the Game to begin.
The player aims with the cursor and
Click to shoot laser beams .
The laser requires to regenerate energy to operate and it does it
slowly, do not waste it!
The laser armament load of energy
is seen in the left bar of the instrument
panel .
The radar in the center shows the spaceship localizacion
and the location of the enemy ships.
The ships that steal energy
appear in the radar in red color,
they must be destroyed immediately.
When the cursor
reaches the right or left edge of the game screen, the military
tank moves. The directional arrows
of the keyboard will also displace the tank
and allow additional control.
The score appears underneath the bar of laser energy. When
the game is over, enter your name in the
scores table to be able to continue with another game; Click
to continue.
Destroying the spherical ships requires
of several hits. Aquier energy in one of three forms:
- energy for the laser armament, fast load.
- Speed - the tank moves faster.
- energy for the Base - extends the duration of the games.
author: Lennart