<< | decrease bet by 100 |
< | decrease bet by 10 |
> | increase bet by 10 |
>> | increase bet by 100 |
When you are happy with the amount you wish to bet, click OK and the round will begin.
To play the round, you simply use the Higher / Lower buttons to guess whether the next card in the row will be Higher or Lower than the previous card. If you guess them all correctly you win the round. Simple!.
If you win the round you win 2x your bet, and if you lose the round, you lose your bet.
Note: | The ACE card represents the value 1 or 14, so it is both Higher AND Lower
than the rest of the cards in the pack. Think of it as your lucky card :). |
If you experience any problems with this Applet, or have any suggestions/comments please send 'em my way!.
Have Fun!